
Insider management

Solar Foods Plc has an Insider Policy, approved by the Board of Directors, which summarises the main rules and procedures applicable to the use and management of insider information within the Company. The Insider Policy contains rules and regulations on the prohibited use of insider information, the Company's insider lists, the disclosure and deferral of insider information and the disclosure of transactions by the Company's management and related parties.

The Company's Insider Policy is based on Finnish and EU rules and regulations, and its policies and obligations are complementary to Solar Foods' binding legislation, which Solar Foods complies with in its operations, such as the EU Market Abuse Regulation (596/2014/EU), MAR: EU Commission Level 2 Regulations adopted under MAR and MAR-related standards issued by ESMA, the Securities Markets Act (746/2012, as amended), the Criminal Code (89/1889, as amended), the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd Insider Trading Guidelines and the Nasdaq First North Growth Market Rules.

Inside information

Inside information is precise information relating directly or indirectly to at least one issuer or at least one financial instrument which has not been made public and which, if it were made public, would be likely to have a significant effect on the value of the financial instrument or on the value of derivative of the financial instrument.

Solar Foods will disclose as soon as possible any inside information concerning the Company or its financial instruments. The information to be disclosed will be published in the Company's announcement under the heading "Inside Information". In addition, the information will be published on the Company's website where it will be kept for five (5) years.

If the inside information relates to a matter that is in preparation or is otherwise not ready for publication, the Company may, under certain conditions, postpone the publication of the inside information. The decision to postpone the disclosure of inside information may be taken by the Board of Directors or, in particularly urgent situations, by the CEO and the Chair jointly.

The Company maintains a list of employees and service providers who have access to inside information. The company's insider manager is Ilkka Saura.

Trading restrictions

In accordance with the market abuse regulation, persons discharging managerial responsibilities may not, for their own account or for the account of third parties, directly or indirectly, execute transactions in Solar Foods Oyj’s shares or other financial instruments during the closed period 30 days before the financial statements release or the interim financial report (such as the half-yearly report), including the publication date. The Company will inform the Persons discharging managerial responsibilities of the closed period in advance.

The Company has extended the scope of the closed period restricted parties to include non-executive Employees and other persons who have access to the Company's half-yearly or financial statements through their position or duties prior to their publication. These include members of the Company's management team and financial and IT administrative personnel designated by the Company's CFO.

Notification of management transactions add

In accordance with the market abuse regulation, persons discharging managerial responsibilities and related parties shall report the transactions to the Company and the Financial Supervisory Authority without delay and no later than three (3) working days after the date of the transaction. Solar Foods is obligated to publish the transaction notification as a company release within two (2) business days of receipt of the transaction notification. The company publishes and stores all notifications on its website for at least five (5) years.

Whistleblowing add

The Company has a "whistleblowing" communication channel for reporting suspected violations of capital markets and market abuse rules and regulations. The system allows employees of the Company to report suspected violations anonymously within the Company through an independent channel.