
Solar Foods as an investment

Solar Foods established in 2017 is a global leader in sustainable protein production, solving the global food production problem by offering a completely new alternative to existing animal and plant proteins.

Solar Foods’ first product is the naturally occurring single-cell protein Solein®, which can be used as a food raw material with high protein content. In the long run, Solein production will improve global availability of protein and increase price and quality stability of food raw materials by disconnecting food production from agriculture.

The main raw materials for production are carbon dioxide and electricity. Solein production strives to use fossil-free energy, which results in the lowest environmental impact and based on research the smallest carbon footprint compared to all other known protein sources. We have verified Solein’s functionality in a wide range of food categories, such as dairy, meat and egg substitutes.

Why Solar Foods?

Proven technology and product

We have concretely proven the functionality of our technology and production process for 5 years on a pilot scale. In addition, scaling production to industrial scale has been verified at Factory 01. Solein’s functionality in food products has been tested with product prototypes, some of which have been sold in Singapore. Foods that use Solein have also been extensively tested by consumers, and the taste profile and properties of the product are suitable for many foods.

Patented technology and strong competition protection

We believe we are the only player in the world to commercialize a completely new food protein and a technology platform for its production, hydrogen fermentation based on its own hydrogen production. We have filed over 160 patent applications, of which 28 have been granted so far. Strong patent protection, R&D investments, demanding construction of a commercial-scale production facility, and challenging food licensing processes make the barriers to entry into the industry very high.

The Solein product can be endlessly replicated

We expect that we can replicate and expand our production without reliance on individual raw material suppliers or the limited availability of some raw materials. Furthermore, our fermentation technology is not based on utlising any critical element. By disconnecting food production from agriculture, Solar Foods improves the price and quality stability and availability of food raw materials.

The product has competitive features compared to other protein sources

We estimate that Solein has the lowest carbon footprint compared to all other known protein sources if fossil-free energy is used in production. The production of Solein does not require arable land, and it can be produced anywhere where renewable energy is available, such as in the desert or in space. In large-scale production, we estimate that Solein’s cost will be competitive with any other protein.

Prerequisites for a highly profitable business

Solar Foods aims to build a highly profitable business based on the technology we have developed. This can be achieved by scaling production capacity, reducing production Solein's costs and ensuring premium pricing through product categories with strong brands and high price points. After the technology development phase, we estimate that the commercial factories will generate strong and predictable cash flow, as production is not dependent on long raw material supply chains or their strategic supply risks. The working capital tied up in the process is low.


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